Cupping therapy involves local suction being applied directly onto the skin using small glass or plastic jars to create a vacuum. The skin and superficial layers of connective tissue and muscles are lifted into the cup, and a mark is usually formed, from a light red to a dark purple. In Chinese Medicine theory the darker the petechiae (marks left by the treatment cups) the more toxins and stagnation are in the area being treated.
The cups can be left on the skin anywhere from a few minutes up to 30 minutes depending on the condition being treated. The cups can also be moved over the body, either along the acupuncture channels or over large muscle groups after oil has been applied to the skin. It is an incredibly relaxing treatment, like a warming ‘reverse massage’ with the cups pulling up on skin and muscles, instead of applying pressure downwards.
Cupping is used to relieve pain, remove heat, increase circulation and draw-out toxins from the body.
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